
"El diplomático debería saber hablar por lo menos ...

I am a Spanish-English/English-Spanish Translator.
Translation department manager


United States



My native language:

English (EN)

Other Languages:

Spanish, Latin American (XL)

  • copyright

    According to, copyright is "the legal right to be the only one to reproduce, publish, and sell a book, musical recording, etc., for a certain period of time."

    Printing & publishing; Publishing
  • journalist

    A reporter for a newspaper or an online news source. A writer or editor who specializes in current events. From "journ,""day" (from Latin via Old French).

    Printing & publishing; Newspaper
  • pica

    Una pica es una fuente de 12 puntos o una unidad de medida que equivale a un sexto de un pulgar.El término también tiene significados médicos y científicos.

    Printing & publishing; Typography
  • bilateral

    Having two sides ("lados") in Spanish--a talks between two or more groups, political parties, countries or organizations.

    Political systems; Socialism
  • copyright

    According to, copyright is "the legal right to be the only one to reproduce, publish, and sell a book, musical recording, etc., for a certain period of time."

    Printing & publishing; Publishing
  • copyright

    Copyright refiere a la propiedad intelectual, los derechos de un autor o un artista, o la registración legal de una obra (Recursos: y

    Printing & publishing; Publishing
  • bilateral

    Bilateral is an adjective referring to discussions, agreements, etc., involving two parties or sides (think of the Spanish "lado", meaning "side" and "bi", from Latin, meaning "two".)

    Politics; General politics
  • bilateral

    Bilateral is an adjective referring to discussions, agreements, etc., involving two parties or sides (think of the Spanish "lado", meaning "side" and "bi", from Latin, meaning "two").

    Politics; General politics
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