
"El diplomático debería saber hablar por lo menos ...

I am a Spanish-English/English-Spanish Translator.
Translation department manager


United States



My native language:

English (EN)

Other Languages:

Spanish, Latin American (XL)

  • libro que se lee de un tirón

    En español, un "page-turner" es un libro tan fascinante que se lee de un tirón. Suele referir a una novela popular que engancha al lector.

    Literature; Bestsellers
  • anonymous source

    An anonymous source is a person, organization or resource who/that provides information to a journalist "off the record," with the understanding that the reporter or interviewer to whom the information was disclosed will not reveal where it originated, nor the name of the person who divulged it.

    Printing & publishing; Newspaper
  • undercover journalist

    An undercover journalist is a reporter or member of the press who gathers information in secret and may assume an alternative identity or identities during the course of investigating, researching or conducting interviews for a news report or story.

    Printing & publishing; Newspaper
  • undercover journalist

    An undercover journalist is a reporter or member of the press who gathers information in secret. He or she may assume an alternative identity or identities during the course of investigating, researching or conducting interviews for a news report or story.

    News service; Journalism
  • periodista clandestino

    Un periodista clandestino es un reportero que trabaja en secreto. Suele escribir reportes de noticias bajo un seudónimo y/o anónimamente.

    News service; Journalism
  • page turner

    A page turner (more commonly written with a hyphen as "page-turner") is a novel simply too exciting to put down; the reader turns one page after another.

    Literature; Bestsellers
  • educación básica para adultos

    La educación básica para adultos (o ABE) refiere a cursos o servicios de educación continua que ayudan a estudiantes no tradicionales que quieren desarrollar destrezas básicas. Clases de ABE incluyen materias fundamentales cómo la redacción, la lectura y las matemáticas.

    Education; Knowledge
  • La prensa refiere a periodistas y reporteros que publican o emiten sus reportes por medio de fuentes de noticias como periódicos, sitios web, el radio o la televisión.

    Printing & publishing; Newspaper
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