
"I'm a struggling artist, frustrated writer, ...

Creative Virtual Assistant





My native language:

Filipino (TL)

Other Languages:

English, UK (UE)

  • Zwischenzug

    Also known as intermediate move, is a tactic that poses an immediate threat first before making the expected move first. As a result, the defending side will respond to the immediate threat first.

    Sports; Unusual sports
  • Zweihänder

    A true double handed sword (the name literally means "two-hander") that requires both hands to use the sword. It slowly became more of a polearm than a sword due to its length.

    Military; Weapons
  • zone defense

    This is a defensive game strategy that deals with the number of players on the zone front or players that is away from the goal and make its way back of the zone.

    Sports; Basketball
  • Zettai Ryouiki

    The region of skin exposed between a miniskirt and thigh-high stockings. There is a strict definition for good zettai ryouiki and that is 4:1:2.5 (length of miniskirt:bare skin:length of stocking above knee).

    Games; Computer games
  • Division by Zero

    Technically impossible, division by zero is generally taken to mean getting the limit of a function as the divisor approaches zero. Note that dividing by exactly zero is impossible.

    Mathematics; General mathematics
  • Gratuitous Picture Of Yourself (GPOY)

    Gratuitous Picture of Yourself is a term that is regularly used as sarcasm. Basically, it's as if you are saying, nice picture of yourself. It doesn't necessarily have to be a picture, sometimes it can be an image that you project to others.

    Communication; Postal communication
  • Gan Jiang and Mo Ye

    Married swords named after their creators. Created from a metal that would not melt in the furnace, Mo Ye immolated herself in the furnace so that her husband could form the swords.

    Military; Weapons
  • Yandere

    A character obsessively in love with another character to the point of unhealthy behavior such as stalking and harming the self, the love interest, or the perceived competition. This character will often be completely crazy.

    Games; Computer games
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