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  • Rugrats

    Rugrats(1991-2004), is a show starring Tommy Pickles and his 3 friends Chuckie Finster, and twins Phil and Lil Deville. This cartoons focuses on the imagination of children to create alternative universes where they take on adventures that seem somewhat dangerous but comical. Tommy has a mean ...

    TV shows; Kids shows
  • Angry Beavers

    Angry Beavers (1997-2001), the story about to beavers named Norbert and Daggett who had to take on the world on their own when they got kicked out of the house. Norbert is the smart one, and Daggett is the challenged one. They live on a lake in a forest with strange characters visiting and walking ...

    TV shows; Kids shows
  • Doug

    Doug(1991-1994), was a show about an 11 year old kid named Doug Funnie who was forced to move with his family to Bluffington. He keeps a journal of his adventures and you become a part of them meeting his friend Skeeter, and his crush Patti Mayonnaise, and a bully named Roger Klotz. While Doug is ...

    TV shows; Kids shows
  • Rocko's Modern Life

    Airing from 1993-1996, Rocko's Modern Life had a short life span. Starring an Australian wallaby and his steer friend 'Heffer", Rocko is adjusting to american life with his dog, a grumpy neighbor, and a bullfrog. Completely underrated show, sad it ended so soon.

    TV shows; Comedy
  • Hey Arnold!

    Airing from 1996-2004, Hey Arnold! was a show about the everyday life of a football-head shaped kid living in a nameless inner-city. Arnold lives in a boarding house with his grandparents, and hangs out with his motley crew of friends on a daily basis. Classic.

    TV shows; Kids shows
  • revenue bond

    As it sounds, a revenue bond is backed by the revenue generated from a specific project. These projects can vary, but always are some type of structure such as a toll-road, or any other revenue generating building. The funds generated after the project is complete helps pay back the principle. ...

    Financial services; Stocks & securities
  • general obligation bond (GO)

    A general obligation bond is debt issued by the municipality, and is backed by the credit of the issuing party. They are trusted under the assumption the municipality will be able to repay through taxation.

    Financial services; Stocks & securities
  • passive bond buying strategy

    There are 2 basic passive bond buying strategies. First is the classic purchase of a bond, and hold it till it matures. Second, slightly more involved is using a 'bond ladder'. This strategy involves the purchase of several bonds with differing maturity dates. As bonds mature, the principle from ...

    Financial services; Personal investment management
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