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  • Atlantis

    The legend of Atlantis, a civilization of advanced technology ans sophisticated people, dates back to 370 BC from a writing by philosopher Plato. Plato describes Atlantis to reside west of the Mediterranean sea, peaceful and prosperous, and powerful in government influence. It is described that in ...

    History; Ancient history
  • Helike of Greece

    An ancient Greek city that disappeared overnight due to an earthquake 'swallowing' the city underwater, and casting a tsunami on it following the earthquake. To this day only 3 Helike coins have been found, and a few pieces archaeologists believe to be Helike civilization pieces found more inland ...

    History; Ancient history
  • Minoan Civilization of Crete

    Part of the Bronze Age, the Minoan civilization began approximately around the 27th century BC. The written language of the Minoans has been defined as 'Linear A scripts', and still yet, has not been deciphered. The civilization was dependent on trade as they were island people. The downfall of the ...

    History; Ancient history
  • honeymoon

    A honeymoon is an activity taking place after a marriage used to celebrate alone between the newly-weds. The honeymoon usually takes place in a location far from home. Popular honeymoon spots include: A beach resort, cruise, a foreign country...etc.

    Culture; Popular culture
  • Moonstone

    Used in jewelry for centuries, the moonstone was named by the Romans. The Romans and the Greeks believed the moonstone was a gift from the lunar gods and goddesses. The chemical makeup of moonstone is (Na,K)AlSi3O8.

    Jewelry; Gemstones
  • The Dark Side of the Moon

    The 1973 rock album produced by Pink Floyd. The album was centered around conflict, greed, passage of time, and mental illness (mental illness portion inspired by band member Barrett). The album became one of the best stand-alone sellers of all time.

    Music; Music albums
  • moonflower

    A term referring to night-blooming plants. These plants do not bloom during the day time. Such plants include: Datura species, Ipomoea species, Mentzelia species, Nightblooming cereus species.

  • Sailor Moon

    Sailor Moon, a Japanese anime, depicts magical girls using their powers to fight evil. Airing in the U.S. from 1992-1993, it had many children fans, but the network was not too keen. The story is about re-born defenders of a kingdom, who are normal girls, but can transform into heroines named ...

    TV shows; Kids shows
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