


Financial services

My native language:

Indonesian (ID)

Other Languages:

Chinese, Simplified (ZS); English (EN); Javanese (JW)

  • Brand Parity

    A measure of how similar, or different, different brands in the same category are perceived to be. Brand parity varies widely from one category to another. It is high for petrol, for example: about 80% of respondents (BBDO survey) see no real difference between brands. By contrast, brand parity for ...

    Advertising; Marketing communications
  • Brand Strategy

    A plan for the systematic development of a brand to enable it to meet its agreed objectives. The strategy should be rooted in the brand's vision and driven by the principles of differentiation and sustained consumer appeal. The brand strategy should influence the total operation of a business to ...

    Advertising; Marketing communications
  • Brand Valuation

    Brand valuation is the process used to calculate the value of brands. Historically, most of a company's value was in tangible assets such as property, stock, machinery or land. This has now changed and the majority of most company's value is in intangible assets, such as their brand name or names.

    Advertising; Marketing communications
  • Brand Extension

    A common method of launching a new product by using an existing brand name on a new product in a different category. A company using brand extension hopes to leverage its existing customer base and brand loyalty to increase its profits with a new product offering.

    Advertising; Marketing communications
  • Brand Essence

    A phrase that communicates the fundamental nature of a trade name associated with one or more products made by the same company. A business marketing team will often spend considerable time developing effective ways of expressing the brand essence of their company's various brands by ...

    Advertising; Marketing communications
  • Brand Association

    Extent to which a particular brand calls to mind the attributes of a general product category. For example, asking for 'Pampers' when one wants disposable diapers.

    Advertising; Marketing communications
  • Brand Architecture

    The structure of brands within an organizational entity. It is the way in which the brands within a company's portfolio are related to, and differentiated from, one another. The architecture should define the different leagues of branding within the organization; how the corporate brand and ...

    Advertising; Marketing communications
  • Brand Loyalty

    When consumers become committed to your brand and make repeat purchases over time. Brand loyalty is a result of consumer behavior and is affected by a person's preferences. Loyal customers will consistently purchase products from their preferred brands, regardless of convenience or price.

    Advertising; Marketing communications
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