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  • benchmark job

    Common and defined job (or job category) for which pay data, and legal and other specifications are readily available. Benchmark jobs are used to make pay and other comparisons.

    Accounting; General accounting
  • below the line

    Used to characterize items in an account that are excluded from the account total, such as appropriations and extraordinary items that have no effect on the profit or loss in the current accounting period.

    Accounting; General accounting
  • below cost

    The recognition of a price expense when it has been incurred. This expense does not get recorded until payment has been recorded.

    Accounting; General accounting
  • behavioral accounting

    A type of system that factors in the values of the individuals leading the companies instead of focusing on the actual costs involved in operating the company. This system is often referred to as "human resources accounting."

    Accounting; General accounting
  • beginning inventory

    Products or services that a business starts with during a new fiscal year.

    Accounting; General accounting
  • before tax income

    Total of all incomes from which permitted expenses and deductions are subtracted.

    Accounting; General accounting
  • before reimbursement expense ratio

    How much an investment fund is worth until fee payments for fund managers are calculated from the income recognized on the investment.

    Accounting; General accounting
  • bearer instrument

    Negotiable instrument payable to its holder, on demand or presentment, regardless of to whom it was issued originally.

    Accounting; General accounting
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