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  • clean surplus concept

    Belief that the income statement should show all gains and losses of the company and no gains or losses directly related to equity.

    Accounting; General accounting
  • clean balance sheet

    A balance sheet which doesn't show any debt.

    Accounting; General accounting
  • clean

    Auditor's certificate that is free from any adverse opinion.

    Accounting; General accounting
  • classified loan

    Past-due loan that is questionable in terms of the full recovery of principal balance and accrued interest. Banks designate such loans as adversely classified assets in their account books.

    Accounting; General accounting
  • classification of assets

    Grouping similar assets together to assess a company's performance.

    Accounting; General accounting
  • classification

    Organization of varied items into mutually exclusive but related classes.

    Accounting; General accounting
  • class of worker

    Three common categories of workers are (1) Wage and salary worker: receives daily, weekly, or monthly remuneration including commission or tips, (2) Self-employed worker: works for commission, fee, or profit in own business, farm, or profession, (3) Unpaid family worker: works without cash ...

    Accounting; General accounting
  • class of stock

    Memorandum of association of most firms permits stock to be issued in more than one class, such as voting shares and non-voting shares, or as class-A and class-B stock. Whereas the holders of different types of shares are entitled to different treatment, all holders of the same class of shares are ...

    Accounting; General accounting
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