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  • consignment stock

    Goods in possession of a party that is not the goods' owner or titleholder. From the accounting point of view, such goods have neither been sold nor are a part of their owner's inventory.

    Accounting; General accounting
  • consigned goods

    When products or services are resold by a third party. For example, giving clothes to a consignment shop for resale.

    Accounting; General accounting
  • connection charge

    One time (non-recurring) refundable or non-refundable fee paid by a consumer to a utility or communication service provider for hooking up.

    Accounting; General accounting
  • confirmation

    Letter sent by the auditors of a firm's to its debtors and creditors, requesting verification of the amounts of receivables and payables balances shown under their names in the firm's books. A positive confirmation asks for a reply whether the balance is correct or not; a negative confirmation asks ...

    Accounting; General accounting
  • conditional sales lease

    Non-true lease in which one or more of the following conditions are fulfilled: (1) Lessee acquires title to the leased item when a certain amount of rent has been paid. (2) Lease payments cover a period shorter than the economic life of the item with a provision for item's continued use by the ...

    Accounting; General accounting
  • conditional commitment

    Assurance of an action, or earmarking of funds, that becomes actual commitment only when one or more specified conditions are fulfilled.

    Accounting; General accounting
  • condensed financial statements

    Documents with a shortened version of all of the company's financial statements.

    Accounting; General accounting
  • commercial loan

    Loan advanced to a business instead of to a consumer. Commercial loans are usually for a short-term (from 30 days to one year), secured (backed by a collateral) or unsecured, and are often advanced for financing equipment, machinery, or inventory. Banks usually require the commercial borrowers to ...

    Accounting; General accounting
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