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  • days sales outstanding

    The amount of time a company will have before a payment can be considered income received.

    Accounting; General accounting
  • days receivable

    The amount of time a consumer has to pay for a product or service.

    Accounting; General accounting
  • days payable

    The amount of time a company has to repay obligations.

    Accounting; General accounting
  • days of grace

    Number of days by which a debtor or acceptor of a draft may exceed the due date before being in default.

    Accounting; General accounting
  • days accounts receivable

    The average number of days a company takes to collect payments on goods sold.Numbers much higher than 40 to 50 days indicate collection problems and significant pressure on cash flows. Numbers much lower than 40 to 50 days indicate overly-strict credit policies that might prevent higher sales ...

    Accounting; General accounting
  • days accounts payable

    The average number of days a company takes to pay its bills, used as a measure of how much it depends on trade credit for short-term financing.

    Accounting; General accounting
  • daybook

    Accounting book of original entry in which transactions (such sales and/or purchases) are entered on the day they occur, for later posting to the appropriate ledger(s).

    Accounting; General accounting
  • day-end closing

    An accounting procedure undertaken at the end of the day to ensure that all business transactions from the current day have been correctly processed. Day-end closing is part of a company's closing operations. See also month-end closing, year-end closing.

    Accounting; General accounting
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