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social profiles

Social profiles are a description of individuals’ social characteristics that identify them on social media sites such as LinkedIn and Facebook, when using tools such as digg and Delicious as well as collaboration applications such as Jive, IBM Connections or Socialtext. Profiles describe any number of characteristics about individuals, such as interests, expertise, professional affiliations, status, recent activity and geographic location. Profiles are the digital DNA of a person, and where tagging of people-related content will occur. A social profile also displays information that helps to understand the type and strength of an individual’s relationships with others; for example, their level of participation and contribution in different initiatives, projects, communities, or conversations; their reputation among other participants, and so on. Creating a robust social profile allows individuals to be discovered by people who could benefit from an association with them. Companies are also beginning to experiment with social profiles as a means of reinforcing their organization’s brand identity.

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Information Technology

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