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Ole Kirk Christiansen

Ole Kirk Christiansen was born in Filskov, Denmark(April 7, 1891 – March 11, 1958) is the founder of The LEGO Group. Initially he was a trained carpenter, specializing in making wooden toys in 1932, then later he decided to make plastic toys in 1934.

In 1916 Ole returns to Denmark and, using his savings, buys the Billund Maskinsnedkeri og Tømreforretning (The Billund Carpentry Shop and Lumberyard). Around this same time he marries Kirstine Sörensen, whom he met in Norway and they soon begin a family. They had 4 children: Johannes Christiansen (b.1917), Karl Georg Kirk Christiansen (1919), Godtfred Kirk Christiansen (1920) and Gerhardt Kirk Christiansen (1926). After the 4th child was born, Kirstine Sørensen died.

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