The Economist Newspaper Ltd
Industry: Economy; Printing & publishing
Number of terms: 15233
Number of blossaries: 1
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الاقتصاد تضم جميع البلدان التي اعتمدت اليورو. وهناك جدل كبير بين الاقتصاديين حول ما إذا كانت منطقة اليورو في الواقع منطقة عمله مثلى.
العملة الرئيسية للاتحاد الأوروبي، التي أطلقت في كانون الثاني/يناير 1999 وفي التداول العام منذ عام 2002 (انظر الاتحاد الاقتصادي والنقدي).
وهناك تعريفات اثنين في الاقتصاد. # عاصمة لإحدى الشركات، بعد خصم أي التزامات للغرباء خلاف المساهمين، الذين هم عادة من أصحاب الأسهم في الشركة القانونية. حق ملكية هذه الأسهم السبب المعروف أيضا هي الأسهم. # الإنصاف. تقسيم الكعكة الاقتصادية. وقد الاقتصاديون اهتماما خاصا في هذا فيما يتعلق بكيفية عمل نظم للضرائب. وقد درسوا عما إذا كانت الضرائب اعدلوا الناس مع نفس القدرة على الدفع (الإنصاف الأفقي)، والناس مع قدرات مختلفة الدفع (الأسهم الرأسية). العدالة الجوانب الأخرى لكيفية توزيع المكاسب المتأتية من النشاط الاقتصادي من خلال المجتمع أيضا تناقشها الاقتصاديين، ولا سيما تلك المهتمة في اقتصاد الرفاه. بعض الاقتصاديين تبدأ مع افتراض أن نتائج السوق الحرة أصلاً غير منصفة، وأن الإنصاف (تقاسم الكعكة) يجب أن يتاجر بها قبالة ضد الكفاءة (تعظيم حجم الفطيرة). ويرى آخرون أنه من غير المنصف أن تأخذ المال بعيداً عن الشخص الذي أوجد القيمة الاقتصادية تعطي للناس الذين كانوا أقل مهارة أو كادح.
When supply and demand are in balance. At the equilibrium price, the quantity that buyers are willing to buy exactly matches the quantity that sellers are willing to sell. So everybody is satisfied, unlike when there is disequilibrium. In classical economics, it is assumed that markets always tend towards equilibrium and return to it in the event that something causes a temporary disequilibrium. General equilibrium is when supply and demand are balanced simultaneously in all the markets in an economy. Keynes questioned whether the economy always moved to equilibrium, for instance, to ensure full employment.
Some people think capitalism is wholly bad for the environment as it is based on consuming scarce resources. They want less consumption and greater reliance on renewable resources. They oppose free trade because they favor self-sufficiency (autarky), or at least so-called fair trade, and because they believe it encourages poorer countries to destroy their natural resources in order to get rich quick. Although few professional economists would share these views, in recent years many attempts have been made to incorporate environmental concerns within mainstream economics. The traditional measure of GDP incorporates only those things that are paid for; this may include things that reduce the overall quality of life, including harming the environment. For instance, cleaning up an oil spill will increase GDP if people are paid for the clean-up. Attempts have been made to devise an alternative environmentally friendly measure of national income, but so far progress has been limited. At the very least, traditional economists increasingly agree that maximizing GDP growth does not necessarily equal maximizing social welfare. Much of the damage done to the environment may be a result of externalities. An externality can arise when people engaged in economic activity do not have to take into account the full costs of what they are doing. For instance, car drivers do not have to bear the full cost of making their contribution to global warming, even though their actions may one day impose a huge financial burden on society. One way to reduce externalities is to tax them, say, through a fuel tax. Another is prohibition, say, limiting car drivers to one gallon of fuel per week. This could result in black markets, however. Allowing trade in pollution rights may encourage “efficient pollution”, with the pollution permits ending up in the hands of those for which pollution has the greatest economic upside. As this would still allow some environmental destruction, it might be unpopular with extreme greens. There may be a case for international eco markets. For instance, people in rich countries might pay people in poor countries to stop doing activities that do environmental damage outside the poor countries, or that rich people disapprove of, such as chopping down the rain forests. Choices on environmental policy, notably on measures to reduce the threat of global warming, involve costs today with benefits delayed until the distant future. How are these choices to be made? Traditional cost-benefit analysis does not help much. In measuring costs and benefits in the far distant future, two main things seem to intervene and spoil the conventional calculations. One is uncertainty. We know nothing about what the state of the world will be in 2200. The other is how much people today are willing to pay in order to raise the welfare of others who are so remote that they can barely be imagined, yet who seem likely to be much better off materially than people today. Some economists take the view that the welfare of each future generation should be given the same weight in the analysis as the welfare of today’s. This implies that a much lower discount rate should be used than the one appropriate for short-term projects. Another option is to use a high discount rate for costs and benefits arising during the first 30 or so years, then a lower rate or rates for more distant periods. Many studies by economists and psychologists have found that people do in fact discount the distant future at lower rates than they apply to the near future.
الحياة والروح للحزب الرأسمالي. أي شخص لديه فكرة والمؤسسة مزيج معا عوامل الإنتاج الأخرى تنتج شيئا قيماً. منظم يجب أن تكون على استعداد للمخاطرة سعيا لتحقيق ربح.
واحد من عوامل الإنتاج، جنبا إلى جنب مع الأرض والعمل ورأس المال. العصائر الإبداعية للرأسمالية؛ أن أرواح الحيوان منظم المشروع.
مقياسا لمدى استجابة لمتغير واحد إلى التغييرات في آخر. الاقتصاديون وقد حددت أربعة أنواع رئيسية. * مرونة الأسعار يقيس كم كمية إمدادات جيدة، أو الطلب عليه، يتغير إذا تغير سعره. إذا النسبة المئوية للتغير في الكمية أكثر من النسبة المئوية للتغير في السعر، حسن هو الأسعار المرنة؛ إذا كان أقل، الخير غير مرن. * الدخل مرونة الطلب تدابير كيف طالب الكمية التغييرات عندما يزيد الدخل. * عبر مرونة يوضح كيف يتغير الطلب على حسن واحد (ويقول، القهوة) عند سعر آخر حسن (القول أن الشاي) التغييرات. إذا لم تكن السلع البديلة (الشاي والقهوة) عبر المرونة سيكون إيجابيا: زيادة في أسعار الشاي سيزيد الطلب على القهوة. إذا لم تكن السلع التكميلية (شاي وأباريق) سيكون عبر المرونة سلبية. إذا فلا علاقة لها (الشاي والنفط) عبر المرونة سوف تكون صفراً. * مرونة الإحلال يصف الإدخال بسهولة كيف واحد في عملية الإنتاج، مثل العمل، ويمكن أن تكون بديلاً لآخر، مثل الآلات.
You can’t beat the market. The efficient market hypothesis says that the price of a financial asset reflects all the information available and responds only to unexpected news. Thus prices can be regarded as optimal estimates of true investment value at all times. It is impossible for investors to predict whether the price will move up or down (future price movements are likely to follow a random walk), so on average an investor is unlikely to beat the market. This belief underpins ¬arbitrage pricing theory, the capital asset pricing model and concepts such as beta. The hypothesis had few critics among financial economists during the 1960s and 1970s, but it has come under increasing attack since then. The fact that financial prices were far more volatile than appeared to be justified by new information, and that financial bubbles sometimes formed, led economists to question the theory. Behavioral economics has challenged one of the main sources of market efficiency, the idea that all investors are fully rational homo economicus. Some economists have noted the fact that information gathering is a costly process, so it is unlikely that all available information will be reflected in prices. Others have pointed to the fact that arbitrage can become more costly, and thus less likely, the further away from fundamentals prices move. The efficient market hypothesis is now one of the most controversial and well-studied propositions in economics, although no consensus has been reached on which markets, if any, are efficient. However, even if the ideal does not exist, the efficient market hypothesis is useful in judging the relative efficiency of one market compared with another.
الأجور التي تم تعيينها في أعلاه السوق مسح معدل بغية تشجيع العمال على زيادة إنتاجيتهم.
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