Terminology 2016





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  • Frame

    It is the rectangular area within which the image is composed by the photographer. The setting for the image is the picture frame. In photography, the format of this frame is fixed at the time of shooting, although it is always possible later to adjust the shape of the frame to the picture you ...

    Photography; Photography techniques
  • Filter

    A colored glass or other transparent material used to select the wavelengths of light allowed to reach a photosensitive material. Camera lens filters are a photography accessory that are attached over the lens of a camera. They come in different shapes and forms, including polarizing filters to ...

    Photography; Cameras & parts
  • secondary focal point

    The secondary focal point is the visual point which grabs less attention than the primary focal point. While the primary focal point is the subject of the photograph, the secondary focal point can be any other element which falls in a rank based on the amount of importance the viewer gives to it. ...

    Photography; Photography techniques
  • primary focal point

    There can be more than just one focal point in a photograph. A photograph can have a primary focal point, a secondary focal point and even a third focal point. The primary focal point is the point which grabs the most attention from viewers in a photograph. At the same time, the primary focal point ...

    Photography; Photography techniques
  • curved lines

    Curved lines or S curves suggest sensuality, elegance and a serene sense of balance. S curves do not necessarily need to be S-shaped; any form of a winding line can be used. Some examples include rivers, streams, paths and even the human body. Curved lines appear graceful, beautiful, sensual, fun, ...

    Photography; Photography techniques
  • diagonal lines

    Diagonal lines are lines which can suggest action, stimulation and depth. The use of diagonal lines can help draw the eye through a photo. The best way to utilize diagonal lines is to present them from the bottom left of the photo to the top right, this is because our eyes naturally scan from left ...

    Photography; Photography techniques
  • vertical lines

    Vertical lines are lines which can suggest dominance, power and growth. Some excellent examples include tall structural designs and trees. Vertical lines should be kept parallel with the sides of a photograph as much as possible. Vertical lines obviously cannot begin at the corner of an image, as ...

    Photography; Photography techniques
  • horizontal lines

    Horizontal lines are lines which can suggest peace, calmness and a sense of restfulness. Some prime examples include fallen trees, the ocean, beaches and horizons. Horizontal lines in the center of a frame: the center of a frame can act like a bull’s-eye when it contains strong elements. A horizon ...

    Photography; Photography techniques
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