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  • Aela the Huntress

    Aela the Huntress is the only female who becomes the elite members of the Companions and the Circle, a secret group within the group. The other member of the Circle includes Farkas, Vilkas, and Skjor. Like other members of the Companions, Aela also becomes available as follower after Dovahkiin ...

    Entertainment; Games
  • Ebony Mail

    Ebony Mail is classified as a heavy armor which is enchanted with muffle effect. In addition to the muffle effect, this armor creates area effect that causes poison damage as much as 5 points per second towards the nearby opponents' health. Ebony Mail is an award for player who completes the ...

    Entertainment; Games
  • Windhelm

    Windhelm is Skyrim's major city located in the northern tip of Eastmarch. This city is notorious for being very cold and having blizzards quite often. One important character residing in Windhelm is Ulfric Stormcloak, who becomes the leader for Stormcloak Rebellion. He is the Jarl of Windhelm.

    Entertainment; Games
  • Markarth

    Markarth is a major city in Skyrim whose location is near the border of High Rock. This city is well known for being housed in ancient Dwemer city, which creates different look from other cities in Skyrim. One big family who own half of Markarth is Silver-Blood family.

    Entertainment; Games
  • Whiterun

    Whiterun is one major city in Skyrim located in the center of the region. The highest mountain on Tamriel, Throat of the World, is located to the southeast of Whiterun. Whiterun becomes the center for commercial activities due to its strategic location. However, its central location also makes ...

    Entertainment; Games
  • Solitude

    Solitude is another major city in Skyrim which is located in Haafingar. Besides being the largest city in Skyrim, Solitude also becomes the capital of the province. As well, the High King held his throne in this city before his death. In addition, Solitude is also known to be near by the Thalmor ...

    Entertainment; Games
  • Winterhold

    Winterhold is another city in Skyrim which is located on the northeastern tip of the region. This city is famous for hosting the College of Winterhold. Despite its fame, College of Winterhold is also suspected by many people of the city as the cause for the Winterhold's destruction.

    Entertainment; Games
  • Riften

    Riften is one of the major cities in Skyrim, which is situated in the southeastern corner of the Rift. Riften becomes the home for the Thieves Guild, who live in the Ratway, sewers beneath Riften. This city becomes the place for Honorhall Orphanage. Purchasable house in Riften is called Honeyside.

    Entertainment; Games
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